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“Hacker Not Cracker?” Weird name, huh?

Some time ago, I was reading an article about the history of hackers. As opposed to the common pop-culture prototype of a black-garbed pubescent teenager breaking into computer networks, hackers were computer enthusiasts or hobbyists. Basically, these people were exceptional when dealing with computers. They longed to discover the inner workings of these machines and their dream was to become experts in the field. It wasn’t until popular media started using the term that it began to take a negative connotation.

Recently, I wrote a paper about the subject of hacker origins and the truth. In it, I defended this real meaning of “hacker.” So here I am, taking another step in dispelling the negative feelings that surround hackers.

The proper term for “black-hat” hackers who do malicious acts against others’ personal information and computers (such as stealing/using unauthorized credit card information) is “crackers.” (Not to be confused with saltines or the derogatory term for Caucasians) That being said, I am a “Hacker not [a] cracker.”

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